The conference is organised by the Global Development Network (GDN) in partnership with its PCDI partners, CERDI and FERDI. The Organising Committee comprises representatives of the conference partners who play a key role in spearheading the event.
The Global Development Network (GDN) is a public international organisation that supports high quality, policy-oriented, social science research in LMICs. Through its global platform, GDN connects social science researchers with policymakers and development stakeholders across the world. Over the years, GDN has acquired expertise and a global pool of partners and committed resource persons involved in research management and capacity-building activities that link economic analysis to environmental protection. This includes a pioneering programme on natural capital accounting in LMICs; multidisciplinary research cutting across economics and other social and natural sciences, including the ongoing Biodiversity and Development Awards programme; as well as outreach activities to bridge research and policy for sustainable development.
The Fondation pour les Études et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI) is a think tank actively engaged in international development discussions, with a research-based approach and a strong capacity to influence policy. Independent and not-for-profit, FERDI provides a forum for reflection and discussion by welcoming expertise from both the Global North and Global South. It advocates for poor and vulnerable countries in shaping the international architecture for development financing, and contributes its expertise to the formulation of public policies that promote sustainable and inclusive development, especially in Africa. Through events, seminars, training courses, publications, and the creation of innovative indicators, FERDI contributes to the evolution of ideas on sustainable development policies.
The Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI) is a joint research centre, exclusively focused on development economics, of the Université Clermont Auvergne, of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and of the Institute for Research on Development (IRD). The publications and expertise of the members of the CERDI cover all the aspects of economic development from the engines of growth to the social, economic and environmental consequences of development. The CERDI has long-standing relationships with major international organisations, such as the IMF and the World Bank, that regularly hire young scholars that have been formed in Clermont-Ferrand.
Pôle Clermontois de Développement International (PCDI)
This project aims to strengthen skills and synergies in a regional centre of expertise in international development, located in the city of Clermont-Ferrand, France, and its international outreach. This involves funding training activities, research capacity building for stakeholders from the Global South (executives, young researchers, etc.), and research activities on development.
Through Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the French State supports the research and training activities of the Clermont International Development Hub and the establishment of the Clermont-Ferrand branch of GDN within the framework of a single project. This initiative aims to strengthen the ecosystem of local expertise and to develop synergies among key actors to benefit partners in the Global South.